Bunty Bunny goes to Woodgate Valley


I can't see a horse

I can't see a horse

Well I have been on my first adventure; I was a little scared as I pulled on my boots and hat. What if I got lost, what if I fell in the water, what if a dog chased me? But then I thought I must be a brave little Bunty, so I set off.

It was very muddy as I hopped down the first track, a sign on the gate said ‘Please don’t feed the horses’ I looked and looked but couldn’t see any anywhere. I was looking forward to having a chat with one about what it was like living in a field in all this nasty weather we have been having. Never mind, I expect I shall meet one soon.

big hops needed

big hops needed

I soon came to the start of the trail, the paths here were very muddy too, I had to do some quite big hops to get over some of them. The trail went down one side of a little stream and up the other and there were big stepping stones to get from one side to the other, and I had to do very, very big hops to get across, and I didn’t fall in. I felt very pleased with myself.

Carrots!! Have you a biscut?

Carrots!! Have you a biscut?

Soon I came to a field full of crows and decided to stop for my dinner, I offered to share my dinner with the crows, but they didn’t want to. They don’t like carrots! Can you believe that? Who doesn’t like carrots? Instead they sat in their tree waiting for something better, what’s better than a nice crunchy carrot?

After a little rest I said good bye to the crows and headed for home, a very tried Bunty, but feeling very pleased with myself, I hadn’t got lost, I hadn’t fell in the water and I hadn’t been chased by a dog.

Keep on hopping

Love Bunty

Woodgate valley info

2 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    buntybunny said,

    Very silly crows, carrots are yum!

    Thank you for hopping by

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