Archive for just stuff

Bunty doesn’t go to the Chainmakers Festival

b 001nHello,
I should have been on an adventure today, I should have been hopping to The Chainmakers Festival, but the weather is too bad. Even the weather lady on the news said to stay in because there was going to be thunder and lighting. It started this morning, I was very scared at first, it went very dark, just like nighttime, then there was a big flash of light and a big bang. I thought the sky was going to fall down, my people mommy laughed at that and said who did I think I was Chicken licken. I didn’t know what she meant so I found the story. I am not that silly. My people mommy told me that the storm was just the hot and cold air high in the sky meeting that was making all the noise and that the lighting was the electricity crashing about. She also told me that when she was little her granddad told her it was the coalman dropping the coal in heaven. I didn’t know what coalman meant and she told me that when she was little people had real fires in their homes. These were built up in a grates using paper, wood and coal then lit. The coal was delivered by the coalman with a lorry. I am not scared of storms anymore.
Then the rain started and it rained and rained then it got very noisy and bit lumps of white fell out of the sky, people mommy said this was hail, frozen lumps of rainwater. It was all very exciting. It did stop and I did think I would be able to go out but it started again so I thought I would find something else to do instead. So I have made some biscuits. I am just waiting for them to cook.

What do you do on rainy days?

Keep hopping love Bunty

Chainmakers info

Chicken Licken story

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Bunty Trims the Tree

xmas13 010 Hello,
Oh I have had so much fun, I have been helping my people brother to decorate the Kitchen Christmas Tree. It has lots of twinkley purple globes and stars and three fairies. It also has lots of little bells that go tinkle-tinkle when you tap them. I wasn’t very good at putting the globes on they kept falling on the floor, my little paws couldn’t hold the string. I had to climb up the tree to put some of the decorations on and it was very high, I wanted to sit on the top like the fairy but I don’t think the fairy would have liked it if I had because that is her place. We have two masks for the tree too, they have feather and shiny stuff called sequins, I put one on and my people mommy said she thought I was supposed to be dressing the tree not myself, and people brother thought it was funny. I did get into a mess with the glitter stringy stuff and my people brother had to lift me up to put it on the tree. It took us a long time to trim it but it looked lovely when we had finished.

Tonight I am going to dream about all the pretty things.


Keep Hopping love Bunty

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Bunty gets a new friend


I haven’t been on an adventure for a very long time. I got very tired and the weather got very horrible and stopped me from going out, but now I feel much better so I have decided to have some more adventures. First I want to tell you about my new friend, he is called Hamlet, he won’t be coming on adventures because he sleeps all day and has his adventures at night when I am asleep. Hamlet came to live with us earlier this year, he is a hedgehog and my people family adopted him. My people brother works with a very kind lady who loves animals and she had lot’s of baby hedgehog who couldn’t hibernate last winter because they weren’t fat enough. Hibernate means go for a very long sleep all through the winter so they have to be fat because they don’t like waking up. The kind lady looked after them all winter and in the spring my people brother brought one home to live in our garden. My people daddy made him a house to live in and my people mommy made him a feeding station, which my people brother calls the banqueting suite, I think that means a posh cafe, because you have to feed the hedgehogs too. Sometimes there’s not enough food for them because people use things called pesticides and fence off their gardens to the floor, so poor little hedgehogs can’t wander around to find food. Would you like to meet Hamlet? You will have to be very quiet he’s very shy, here he is….

Hedgehog info

keep on hopping

if you like you can leave me your words

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Bunty has a new friend

This is my new friend, she is name Kitten. She doesn’t live at our house, but she comes and sleeps on my people mommy and daddy’s bed, sometimes she sleeps on big brothers bed. But they don’t mind.

Keep hopping

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Merry Christmas to all

Keep hopping and see you in the new year

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Bunty gets some summer clothes

My winter clothes

My winter clothes

When I decided I wanted to go on adventures, mommy said I would need some warm clothes so she knitted me a hat, scarf, mittens, boots and trousers, now that the weather is warming up she has made me a sun hat. Some of it is knitted and some of it is crocheted. I think crocheting is very clever she only needed one hook, not like knitting when she had to use two pins. I thought pins were a funny thing to call them as they were very long and not at all sharp.

My new hat

My new hat

I am ready

I am ready

So I am now ready for my summer adventures.

Keep Hopping

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Bunty meets her Aunty

I made a cake for my Aunty

I made a cake for my Aunty

I was very excited yesterday, my aunty came to visit, she lives a long way away it takes over an hour to get there in the car. I spent the morning making her a sponge cake and mommy told me how to make it so that when it was cut it had little squares inside. I made it with plain sponge and chocolate sponge, then put white chocolate and little chocolate eggs and fluffy chicks on top.

Aunty came in the afternoon and brought her daughter with her, I like aunty she gave me lots of cuddles and I showed her my clothes and my new sunglasses. I didn’t think I would like her daughter; she kept telling aunty to put me down and doing that thing with her eye’s, where they look up. But then she played with me and I decided I did like her after all. She showed me her friend on her computer; they can see people on their computer with something called a webcam, I wonder if a spider lives in it?

I hope she comes to visit again and brings her daughter along, it would be nice to take them on a little walk.

Keep Hopping

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Bunty says…

I have two eggs
I have two eggs

Happy Easter

Keep Hopping

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Bunty does Red Nose

I have mine
I have mine

Today is a special day, it’s Red Nose Day.


Today and lots of days over the past few weeks people have been doing silly things and asking other people to sponsor them, that means give them money to do it. Then all this money goes to help people who are poorly or don’t have a lot.  If you don’t want to do something silly you can still help by buying silly stuff, we have noses, pins, a cookbook and a big red nose on the fridge door.


Have a hoppingly good Red Nose Day.

Keep Hopping

red nose info

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